Child Health Lab
Department of Child Health Nursing deals with preventive, promotive, creative and rehabilitative aspects of health care among children (neonates to adolescents) in Undergraduate students. Faculty members who are experienced and with doctoral qualification are available in the department. The objective is to identify the difference between the adult and child by accentuating attention to growth and development and analyse the importance of prevention of illness and remedial measures in care of children. The undergraduates identify the normal growth and development of various age groups and deviations from normal, recognize basic concepts, principles and techniques of child care and the role of family in child rearing. They develop beginning ability to plan and provide comprehensive nursing care to children suffering from diseases and disorders.

Occupies 916.53 sq. ft. area and is the best simulative place to learn practical aspects before actual clinical experience. The lab is adequately equipped with paediatric and CPR mannikins, IV infusion arm, physical assessment articles, play items and booklets, models, charts and video CDs as AV aids for learning and conducting procedures by Third year BSc and Second year GNM students. Child Health Lab empowers the undergraduates to be competent, integrate the theory into practice through evidence-based learning, and to develop interactive skills to deal with parents and children in meeting their needs. The students are motivated to participate in exhibitions, rally and educational sessions on various topics like breast feeding, new-born care, and prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases and organize educational programs at hospital, community and schools.