➡️ MSN Lab
A nursing specialty area concerned with the care of adult patients in a broad range of settingssuch as critical care, oncological, cardiothoracic, neurological, orthopaedic and nephrology nursing. The course offers opportunity for students to learn adult health problems, critical conditions and to equip with the practice of providing comprehensive care. Advances in medicine and nursing have resulted in medical-surgical nursing evolving into its own specialty. The scope of practice in medical surgical nursing is evidence based in terms of procedural aspects and also the patient care. The faculty of Medical Surgical Nursing provides student centered teaching and learning for hands on experience that make the students confident in their knowledge and skill to meet the needs of changing healthcare. Procedures in patient care are trained through simulated patients in well-equippedlabs so as to gain expertise and confidence and thereby practice in the clinical areas
The lab under MSN is known as Advanced Skill Lab

We have a well-equipped lab (916.53 sq. ft) with variety of equipment’s such as advanced surgical suturing arm, adult venepuncture IV training arm, advanced practice mannikins in which the students are able to perform procedures like tracheostomy and colostomy care, thoracentesis, renal, hepatic and lumbar puncture, electric trachea intubation and CPR.The lab supports the under and post graduates in developing expertise and depth knowledge in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing. The lab aims to develop skill to function as a specialized nurse and integrate the concept of family centered nursing care as a member of health team while caring the clients